
Explore our meticulously designed digital products, crafted to enhance your online experience and drive success.

Easy DropBox Integration
Bangladeshi Payment Gateways

Bangladeshi Payment Gateways

Bangladeshi Payment Gateways for WooCommerce Plugin. Make Payment Using QR Code

Random Image Block for Block Editor

Random Image Block for Block Editor

Random Image Block for Gutenberg Block is for displaying random image from media library. You can use this block to display random image in your post or page.

UltraEmbed - Advanced iFrame WP Plugin

UltraEmbed - Advanced iFrame WP Plugin

ultraEmbed helps to add iframe to WordPress websites. It has some advanced features that will help you to manage iframe easily

Testimonial Block For Gutenberg

Testimonial Block For Gutenberg

TestimonialX is a powerful Gutenberg Testimonial Block Plugin that revolutionizes the way you showcase testimonials on your website.

Star Rating Block for Gutenberg

Star Rating Block for Gutenberg

Star Rating Block, it will help you to display star rating using Gutenberg Editor.

Exclude Post Types for Weglot

Exclude Post Types for Weglot

Exclude specific post types from Weglot translation.