How to connect Dropbox account with Easy Dropbox Integration plugin?
To connect your Dropbox account with the Easy Dropbox Integration plugin, there are two methods you can use:
- Automatic: Sign in with your Dropbox account using the plugin’s default Dropbox App. No additional configuration is required.
- Manual: Manually configure the plugin to connect to your Dropbox account. This involves entering your Dropbox API key and secret.
Automatic Method
To sign in with your Dropbox account using the plugin’s default Dropbox App navigate to Dropbox > Settings > Accounts and Select Plugin’s API from Dropbox API section. Now You can click on Add Account button to sign in with your Dropbox account.
Manual Method
To manually configure the plugin to connect to your Dropbox account you will need to enter your Dropbox App API key and secret.
To create a custom Dropbox app follow this documentation and copy your API key and secret.
Now you need to navigate to plugin settings and enter your Dropbox API key, secret, and click on Save changes.
Now you can click on the Add Account button to sign in with your Dropbox account.
How to connect multiple Dropbox accounts with Easy Dropbox Integration plugin?
To connect multiple Dropbox accounts with the Easy Dropbox Integration plugin, you will need to buy Easy Dropbox Integration PRO which allows you to connect multiple Dropbox accounts.